What is Citizen Science?

Citizen science engages ordinary people of any age who volunteer their time to participate in scientific projects, conduct experiments, and collect data in order to solve real-world problems and questions. Typically citizen science works as a collaboration between professional scientists and the public, and it helps contribute to a multitude of discoveries around the world. …

Should Humans Settle Venus?: An Essay

For thousands of years, exploring distant worlds full of wonders unlike those ever seen have been the dreams of philosophers, adventurers, story-tellers, and artists alike. Here in the 21st century, society is presented with an entire universe of countless worlds to explore, each with their own unique marvels and characteristics. In our own Solar System, …

Human Factors Risk Assessment for Space Travel

Risk management techniques are used throughout everyday life. Individuals prevent injury and harm by performing different actions such as wearing their seatbelts, supervising their children, and washing their hands. Simple precautions often prevent disastrous outcomes. These same practices may be applied to larger situations in the space exploration industry where many more risks, complex equipment, …